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CNMI Cannabis Commission Meeting

A regular meeting of the CNMI Cannabis Commission will be held on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 10 A.M. at the office of the CNMI Cannabis Commission Conference Room at Ascension Ct. Bldg. 1341, Capitol Hill, Saipan.


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call/Determination of Quorum

3. Consideration and adoption of Agenda

4. Consideration and adoption of Minutes of prior meetings

a) 9/1/2023 meeting minutes

5. Public Comment

6. Public Hearing

1. Cannabis Application No. C0623-0036-SPN - SPP, LLC. dba Canna-Saipan, Marijuana Retailer, discussion and voting

7. Discussion and voting on chairmanship

8. Old Business:

a) Discussion and voting to repeal or not to repeal 1/8/2024 published regulations

b) Discussion and voting on amendments to the CNMI Cannabis law or regulations

c) Discussion on RFP for Cannabis Tracking System

9. Managing Directors Report

10. Miscellaneous

11. Executive Session

12. Adjournment

Copies of this notice and agenda have been posted at the Administration Building Entrance Hall, House of Representative Entrance Hall, Senate Entrance Hall, and, the CNMI Cannabis Commission's official website. Written comments on the agenda may be submitted to the office of the CNMI Cannabis Commission located at Ascension Ct., Bldg. 1341, Capitol Hill, Saipan or emailed to on or before the meeting date. Oral testimony may also be presented during the meeting on Friday, February 23, 2024.

January 26

CNMI Cannabis Commission Meeting

March 28

CNMI Cannabis Commission Meeting